(c) Reiselivsbasen - rlb.no Tourist Information Vardø / Finnmark / Norway (2002)

Vardø - Finnmark County Millennium Capital.

The midnight sun in Vardø harbour
The midnight sun in Vardø harbour
The queens gate at Vardøhus fortress
The queens gate at Vardøhus fortress
Vardø, the gateway to the Northeast passage and the Barents sea has about 2500 inhabitants and an area of 585km2.

The town of Vardø is the only town I Norway situated within the Arctic climate Zone. This is the worlds northernmost fortress town and one of Norway`s oldest, with town status since 1789. On the 17th of July 1789, King Christian VII of Denmark and Norway signed the document that gave Vardø its trading rights.

Brodkorpsjåene in Vardø harbour. Housing the Pomor museum.
Brodkorpsjåene in Vardø harbour. Housing the Pomor museum.
Vardøhus, the northernmost fortress in the world
Vardøhus, the northernmost fortress in the world
The town celebrated its bicentennial in 1989 and is now the millennium capital of the county. The new harbour promenade (finished in 2005) from the Coastal Steamer docks, Pomor museum and Stegelnesset marks the millennium site and has information boards and art.

Commerce and industry: Fishing and fish processing, fisheries, school and service.

Article and pictures by: Tourist Office Vardø / Finnmark Tourist Board / Vardø Municipality

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